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Short: Adds iconify gadget to windows. BETA version.
Author: Håkon Enger (henger@fys.uio.no)
Uploader: henger@fys.uio.no
Version: 0.7 beta
Type: util/misc
NOTE: This is a beta version. If you use this program, it WILL cause
your computer to crash, sooner or later. If you still want to try it,
I would be grateful if you tell me when you find a bug.
This is a minor update from version 0.6, with no real bug fixes...
· Small error in gadget image, showing up with certain screen font
sizes corrected.
· Added Width and MoveRight parameters
· Configuring from ENV:IconifyGadget.config
Commodities/IconifyGadget Commodities/IconifyGadget
IconifyGadget - add iconify gadget to windows
IconifyGadget [Screens {WORKBENCH|PUBLIC|ALL}] [IKey <keyseq>]
[WBWindows {NO|ICONIFY|CLOSE}] [3DLook]
[CX_Priority <pri>] [Width <width>] [MoveRight]
Any Amiga computer with Workbench 2.0 or higher.
If you run a lot of programs that open windows on the Workbench
screen, the screen easily gets overcrowded. IconifyGadget helps
with this problem by adding an option to iconify windows. Windows
that are iconified are temporarily removed from view and replaced
by an icon. When the icon is double-clicked on, the window appears
again and the icon disappears. Iconifying windows with Iconify-
Gadget is done by clicking on a new gadget appearing to the left
of the "Zoom" gadget in the upper right corner of the window, or
by pressing a user-selectable key defined by the IKEY parameter.
Not all windows are iconifiable, see the DISCUSSION section below
for details. Also read the WARNING and BUGS sections below.
IconifyGadget is a commodity, so it can be controlled by the
Commodities Exchange utility. Removing IconifyGadget is
dangerous if other programs have patched the library functions
that are patched by IconifyGadget. Se DISCUSSION.
The gadget used is visually similar to the iconify gadget used by
MUI, which is also used by KCON. An alternate image is provided
and may be selected with the 3DLOOK switch. This image may be
preferred if you use "SysIHack".
Which icon to use for different windows and windows that should
not get an iconify gadget may be specified in the file
ENV:IconifyGadget.config. Each line should contain a pattern for
the window title followed be any number of blanks, followed by
either the filename of an icon to use (without .info) or the
keyword "NotIconify" meaning that the window should not recieve
an iconify gadget. The pattern for the title is a standard
AmigaDOS pattern.
All parameters can be used as tooltypes when started from WB or
as command line parameters when started from the Shell.
SCREENS Define which screen(s) the programs will affect.
Specifying WORKBENCH will only affect windows on the
Workbench screen, PUBLIC will affect windows on all
public screens, and ALL will affect windows on all
screens. Since the icons appear only on the WB screen,
iconifying windows on other screens seems a little
weird, but if you want it, there it is. Default is
IKEY Specify a key sequence that will iconify the active
window. Default is none.
WBWINDOWS What to do with Workbench windows. Since WB windows
(disks, drawers etc.) already have icons, there is
really no use in creating another. Still, if you
want to iconify WB windows just like all other,
specify ICONIFY. If you want an iconify gadget for
completeness, but not to create another icon, specify
CLOSE. This will make the iconify gadget act exactly
like the close gadget. Default is NO.
3DLOOK For those who like to fool around with sysihack, this
switch gives an alternate image for the gadget.
CX_PRIORITY Priority for the commodities exchange broker.
WIDTH Width of the iconify gadget. If not specified, the
standard width will be used, based on the resolution
of the screen.
MOVERIGHT Move the gadget right if there is no zoom gadget.
This might be confusing since the iconify gadget might
be mistaken for the zoom gadget, so it's an option.
This program is one I have wanted to write ever since I got hold
of Ewout Walraven's "Iconify". That program made it possible to
iconify most windows by pressing ctrl and double-clicking in
them, but I wanted a gadget to click on! So here it is, finally
in beta version. Comments and bugreports are welcomed!
I owe a lot to Ewout Walraven for this program, even if he
doesn't know it himself. The method used for iconifying the
windows was inspired by "Iconify", and also the icon was stolen
from there.
The program works by adding a gadget to all windows that are
iconifyable. That means that they are refreshable and not gimme-
zerozero or borderless. If the window already has a gadget in the
position where IconifyGadget adds it's gadget, the window is
considered not iconifyable by IconifyGadget. This is usually
because the program that uses the window has provided a way
to iconify thw window. The windows are iconified by resizing and
moving the layer of the window to the bottom left corner of the
screen. (Clicking in this corner may give strange results for
some windows!) The window is never really removed from the screen,
so the screen can not be closed if there are any iconified windows
When the windows are iconified, they will be represented by an
AppIcon on the Workbench screen. Double-clicking on this icon will
bring back to full sized window to the front of the screen.
IconifyGadget patches the following intuition.library functions:
OpenWindow, OpenWindowTagList, CloseWindow, AddGadget and
WindowToFront. If a program that patches any of these is started
after IconifyGadget, it should be removed before IconifyGadget is
removed. Alternatively, you can use a utility such as PatchControl
to handle the patches.
Fooling around with other programs' windows is NOT a nice thing to
do. If you don't like to take chances, don't use this program.
This is a beta version, so there are probably lots of unknown bugs.
Since this program seriously hacks the system, it's probably not
possible to eliminate all 'bugs' (cf the warning above). I'll try
to do my best, however.
There is a that makes CPR crash if you try to add an iconify gadget
to it's windows. I have not been able to find out why this happens.
The following bugs were reported by people trying v0.6:
· MUI3 windows get two iconify gadgets (mine and theirs).
Solution: Turn of iconifying for either MUI or IG (using the
config file). (First reported by Carl Seward)
· Workbench windows like Execute and Info can be iconified, but
since workbench is frozen while these windows show (not Info in
OS3.0+), the icons never show up and hence they cannot be un-
iconified. Solution: Use the config file to ban these windows
from iconifying. (First reported by John Gardi)
· Adding an iconify gadget to the CPUsage meter of SuperDashBoard
causes a crash. Solution: Same as above (for now...)
(Also reported by John Gardi)
· Using the AppChange option of MCP causes a crash. Solution:
don't use it. (Sorry, but there's really not much I can do
about it.) (First reported by Troy Davis)
· Flemming Steffensen reported that the width of the gadget is
wrong on his machine. I don't know why, but if anybody else
have this problem, please let me know! Solution: use the
WIDTH parameter to set the width.
Some windows mysteriously un-iconifies themselves if you click in
the lower right corner of the screen.
Some windows are empty when they are un-iconified. This will
probably be solved in a later version.
When you find a bug, please inform me on how it occured. If you
have the source code to the program that was making IconifyGadget
crash, it would be of great help to me if you could send that too.
My address (email and otherwise) is at the end of this document.
Thanks to Ewout Walraven for making the Iconify program.
Thanks to everybody who reported bugs and had suggestions to the
first release of IconifyGadget.
IconifyGadget is Copyright © 1995 Håkon Enger
This beta version may not be distributed without explicit
permission from the author. Such permission is given to the AmiNet
collection of Amiga software FTP sites.
Håkon Enger
Email addresses: henger@fys.uio.no, haakone@ifi.uio.no. If one of
them bounces, try the other one.
Regular mail should be addressed to:
Håkon Enger
Rikard Nordraaksveg 12
N-2400 Elverum
============================= Archive contents =============================
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
18012 9821 45.4% 25-Jan-96 08:38:48 IconifyGadget
624 320 48.7% 25-Jan-96 00:10:04 IconifyGadget.info
9911 3878 60.8% 25-Jan-96 00:13:56 IconifyGadget.readme
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
28547 14019 50.8% 27-Jan-96 05:03:00 3 files